Category Archives: Conversations

A Sequence of Challenges to Make an Impact on Human Health: Begins with Microsampling

Program Chair – 23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Ganesh Moorthy, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

“(CPSA conversations) redefined my goals” – Ganesh Moorthy, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Ganesh delivers a passionate CPSA Everyday, discussing how the collaborative spirit in clinical research can significantly contribute to fields such as therapeutic drug monitoring in sick children.  He brings a broad background, working in pediatric clinical research the last 11 years, understanding that microsampling technology is a path to improving patient care.  A convert, he can see that microsampling can make a big change to a child’s quality of care – even moving into remote sampling to help families reduce the burden of travel to hospitals or clinics.  Ganesh works though the dream of using microsampling technology to create meaningful data for drug monitoring in sick children – and quality data for clinicians to make accurate decisions.

The Patient at the Center: Ways to Make Patient Lives Better

Program Chair – 23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Melanie Anderson, Merck

“What I love about CPSA is that it continues to ask the questions, what are we trying to do? And where is it that we are trying to go?”- Melanie Anderson, Merck

“Why are we taking 6 mL when we can take 100 µL?” – Melanie Anderson, Merck

With the pandemic, the design and execution of clinical trials has become more challenging.  Melanie asks the questions – “What are the ways that we can make a patient’s life better?”,   “What would be a better treatment?”  and “What can we do differently?”  Healthcare has fundamentally changed in the face of the pandemic, creating new challenges and opportunities for patients in clinical trials and their treatments.   Melanie puts forth a discussion on engaging patients to understand their needs – while building capabilities like telemedicine and at home microsampling.  We can work together to help change parts of a larger healthcare system, ultimately serving to improve patient care.

Community and Impact on Clinically Vulnerable Patients

CPSA Everyday Conversation

Sigrid Deprez, Ghent University; Dan Baker, University of Hertfordshire; Nithya Paranthama, The Institute of Cancer Research

“If we succeed we can change people’s life” – Sigrid Deprez, Ghent University

“Because it samples in a different way, it opens up applications that are quite unique and quite interesting” – Dan Baker, University of Hertfordshire

“The pandemic has definitely given us the opportunity to innovate” – Nithya Paranthama, The Institute of Cancer Research

Sigrid Deprez, Dan Baker and Nithya Paranthama team up to deliver a passionate CPSA Everyday focussing on how microsampling can help patient populations – especially with the difficulties during the pandemic.  Sigrid discusses how remote microsampling can help immunosuppressed patients, and those that may need treatments in remote places.  Dan Baker looks to continue development of microsampling technologies, with known challenges – but knowing that we will be able to sample patients more often, for increased knowledge for making decisions in treatments.  Nithya Paranthama interacts with cancer patients and sees first hand the struggles and difficulties families and individuals are going through – especially during the pandemic.  She describes a shift to telemedicine and a future that relives stresses when going through a cancer treatment.  This intimate CPSA Everyday describes a future vision that truly places the patient at the centre of the conversation.