Category Archives: Clinical

The Patient at the Center: Ways to Make Patient Lives Better

Program Chair – 23rd Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis USA (CPSA USA 2020)

Melanie Anderson, Merck

“What I love about CPSA is that it continues to ask the questions, what are we trying to do? And where is it that we are trying to go?”- Melanie Anderson, Merck

“Why are we taking 6 mL when we can take 100 µL?” – Melanie Anderson, Merck

With the pandemic, the design and execution of clinical trials has become more challenging.  Melanie asks the questions – “What are the ways that we can make a patient’s life better?”,   “What would be a better treatment?”  and “What can we do differently?”  Healthcare has fundamentally changed in the face of the pandemic, creating new challenges and opportunities for patients in clinical trials and their treatments.   Melanie puts forth a discussion on engaging patients to understand their needs – while building capabilities like telemedicine and at home microsampling.  We can work together to help change parts of a larger healthcare system, ultimately serving to improve patient care.

Considerations on Metabolomics and Integrative Omics – COVID-19 Response and Post Recovry Diseases

7th Annual Brasilian Symposium on Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis (CPSA BRASIL 2020)

Roundtable Session Coordinator – CPSA Brazil 2020
Regina Oliveira, Ph.D. from Universidade Federal de São Carlos

“My passion is to know that I can make a difference.”

“[Make the general public] feel more comfortable knowing that it will pass, and that science will help them find the solution, to take away from health problem”

“Need to think about the disease (COVID-19) after recovery.”

In a response to a pandemic such as COVID-19, Regina looks to not only collect relevant data from patient samples – she also educates her family, friends, and community that we will get through this crisis together. Along with education with generating accurate knowledge, her lab (among many projects) works on diseases related to COVID-19 that appear months to years after the infection and recovery. The knowledge is created through clinical research with metabolomics – a technology that has been on the front line for COVID-19 patients that present other diseases post recovery. Although complex in nature, Regina creates understandable biological knowledge that is helping patients – and can be shared with the population as a whole.

Roundtable Session – Lead by Regina Oliveira, Ph.D

Gustavo Simões, CEO Nanox, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil

Markus Schreyer, CEO & Founder, Ganeshalab

Valdemir Carvalho, Ph,D, Senior Scientific Consultant at Fleury Group, São Paulo, Brazil

Roundtable Contributors
Gustavo Mendes Lima Santos
Carlos Kiffer, MD, Ph.D.
Marc Chalom

Paediatric Centric Sampling: Why So Many Blood Tubes? Why So Much Blood?

CPSA Everyday Conversation

James Rudge, Neoteryx

James describes a passionate story about development of pediatric centric sampling devices and workflows to relive the stress for young children.   Often, just a visit to the clinic can be stressful for a sick child – why do we have to take such large blood volumes?  James describes a kit that can be used at home, collecting a small sample, allowing parents to be involved.  The field of micro sampling continues to grow, finding several ways to improve the patient experience.  Neil Spooner and James Rudge continue to discuss the current situation and developments with pediatric centric sampling devices, making a difference in many peoples lives, most of whom you will never meet.